RMDY Clinic: Health, Wellness, Preventive Care

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7 Reasons to Consider Birth Control Implants

In accordance with Singapore’s latest population statistics, there is a gradual decline in the rate of newborn children across the years. At present times, the birth rate for Singapore is at 8.419 births per 1000 people. 

On the contrary to our grandparents' generations, many Singaporean women have chosen to jump off the motherhood bandwagon. Getting married in the mid 20s and having the first child by 28 is no longer the society’s rulebook. For many ladies these days, living life on their own terms would include embracing a child-free lifestyle. However, chances are that without proper contraception, any sexually active woman may unintentionally become pregnant. Hence, women are encouraged to seek out contraceptive methods to prevent unplanned pregnancies. 

What usually first comes to mind about birth control is The Pill. But did you know that there are many other methods of contraception other than oral pills? At RMDY Clinic, we offer birth control implants - a contraceptive device made of a small plastic rod that can be implanted into the inner upper arm.

Here are 7 reasons why you should consider Birth Control Implants:

1. It is highly effective

Birth control implants have an effectiveness of 99% in preventing unplanned pregnancies. 

2. Low maintenance

Sometimes life can be a little hectic and the last thing you want is to panic over a missed contraception pill. With a birth control implant inserted, you can go about your daily life not having to worry about a dosing schedule. 

3. Discreet

The birth control implant is made up of a thin flexible plastic rod, approximately 1.6 inches in length, very much like the size of a matchstick. For most people, the device is not visible under the skin. 

4. Long lasting

Once inserted, it can last up to 3 years.

5. Reversible 

We understand that plans can change. The birth control implant can be removed anytime whenever you decide that it’s time to expand your family. 

6. Quick and hassle-free

Implant insertion can usually be completed within 10 minutes. If inserted within the first 5 days of your period, the effectiveness kicks in right away and you are protected from pregnancy.

7. Estrogen-free

For females who have to avoid contraceptives that contain estrogen, this may just be the perfect option as it only releases the progestin hormone.

In Singapore, birth control is widely accessible. Yet, many still consider contraception as a taboo subject due to social stigma. As an advocate of Women’s Health, RMDY Clinic takes pride in helping women exercise freedom over their reproductive health. We would love to help you begin your birth control journey, because your choice matters.