Hair Loss
Having a full head of hair is extremely important to most people. It allows you to feel and appear younger, and also gives the perception of attractiveness, confidence and vitality. The average person sheds up to 100 hairs a day and this is usually not noticeable as new hair is growing at the same time. However, losing more than 100 hairs a day is considered to be abnormal. If left untreated, gradual thinning of the scalp or patches of Hair Loss may occur with time.
Hair loss occurs when:
The cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted. Genetics determine the growth pattern of our hair follicles. As we age, hair follicles are programmed to stop producing hair and spend more time in the resting stage.
When hair follicles are destroyed and replaced with scar tissue.
There are a multitude of causes for Hair Loss, including:
Also known as male-pattern or female-pattern Hair Loss, this is the most common cause of Hair Loss. It is caused by a combination of factors including hormones (dihydrotestosterone), age and genetic predisposition. Women are usually affected later in life than men.
This usually results in patchy Hair Loss. The exact cause is unknown.
Disruption of normal hair cycle resulting in diffuse Hair Loss. This normally happens 2 to 4 months after significant events such as childbirth, physical/emotional stress, acute illness or surgery.
Fungal infections eg. ringworm, bacterial infections and other inflammatory conditions eg. seborrhoeic dermatitis may cause patchy or focal Hair Loss and scaly skin on the scalp.
eg. thyroid disease, syphilis and connective tissue disease.
eg. iron, vitamin D and zinc.
eg. chemotherapy drugs and anticoagulants.
Due to excessive hairstyling or hairstyles that pull your hair tight.
Signs and Symptoms of Androgenic Alopecia (Hereditary Hair Loss)
In men, Hair Loss occurs in a characteristic pattern, starting with a gradual receding hairline above the temples, which subsequently forms an ‘M’ shape. Thinning of the crown (the top of the head) also occurs. Over time, these areas of hair loss meet and in the advanced stages, only a rim of hair at the sides and back of the head remain.
In women, the hair becomes diffusely thinner all over the head, and the hairline does not recede. The Hair Loss is often first noticed at times of hormonal change, for instance, on stopping oral contraceptive pills.
During the process of Hair Loss, the hair calibre transitions from large, thick pigmented hairs to thinner, shorter, indeterminate hairs and finally to wispy, non-pigmented, barely noticeable vellus hairs. There are no signs of redness, inflammation or scarring on the scalp in Androgenic Alopecia.
What can I expect on my visit?
Your doctor will take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination of your hair and scalp under a high-powered microscope. If needed, blood tests may be performed. Your doctor will then recommend you on the treatments that may be able to help in your situation.
What are the treatments for Hair Loss?
Treatment largely depends on the cause and the severity of Hair Loss. Specifically for Androgenic Alopecia (Hereditary Hair Loss), the available treatments include:
These are usually in the form of spray, lotion, serum or foam, and are suitable for both men and women. The most well known topical medication is called Minoxidil. It is applied directly onto the scalp to increase blood flow to the hair follicles, stimulate hair growth and slow down the rate of Hair Loss. Improvement is typically seen after 3 to 6 months of continued usage and the effect stops once the medicine is discontinued. Minoxidil can cause undesired side effects of scalp irritation or increased facial or body hair.
Propecia, or finasteride, is a daily medication suitable for men only. It causes less testosterone to be converted to dihydrotestosterone. Taken correctly, it is more effective than topical Minoxidil, with the best results seen over the crown or top of the head. Propecia also requires several months of usage before the effects can be noticed. Side effects can include reduced libido, erectile dysfunction and impotence.
LLLT is a safe and effective non-invasive therapy. The treatment comes in the form of a helmet-like device, which is worn in the comfort of your own home 3 to 4 times a week. It employs a combination of red laser and LED light diodes, which is absorbed into the cells and triggers enhanced cellular activity in the hair follicles. There is no heat generated and is painless. The therapy requires at least 3 to 4 months of usage before effects are seen. LLLT is compatible with other Hair Loss treatments.
Regenera Activa is a minimally invasive treatment that harnesses regenerative cells obtained via micrografts from the nape of the neck, and then carefully re-injecting them into the areas of Hair Loss on the scalp. The treatment is entirely autologous, i.e. only using cells extracted from your own body, and is thus very safe with no significant side effects. For patients who are not keen on topical or oral medications because of the risk of side effects, this is a good alternative. However, Regenera Activa is also compatible with other Hair Loss treatments.
Regenera Activa is a single treatment that takes approximately 45 minutes, with minimal down time. Visible results can be expected within a few months of treatment, with overall improvement in hair count, density and thickness. Studies have shown that the results can last up to 3 years.
It is important to note that the above mentioned treatments are only effective in the early to mid stages of Androgenic Alopecia. In the late stages, the hair follicles are dead and at that point there is not much that can be done aside from undergoing a hair transplant.
Unfortunately, Androgenic Alopecia is not preventable. For other types of Hair Loss, these tips may help:
Be gentle with your hair
Avoid medications and supplements that might cause Hair Loss
Avoid using high temperatures from hair dryers or curling irons
Protect your hair from sunlight and other sources of UV light
We can help.
If you are experiencing Hair Loss and would like to do something about it, please feel free to make an appointment with our doctor today.