HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis

HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a course of antiretroviral medications that helps to significantly reduce an individual’s probability of getting infected with HIV after a suspected exposure. It is most effective if started within 72 hours of a potential exposure. The earlier the treatment is commenced, the higher the chances of successfully preventing HIV infection. Clinical studies have shown that when taken correctly and diligently, HIV PEP reduces the risk of transmission by over 90%.

HIV PEP should only be taken in emergency situations, and should be considered in individuals who think that they may have exposed themselves to a high risk exposure.

Such examples include:

  • Condom break or condom slip

  • Sexual intercourse with a HIV-infected partner

  • Sexual intercourse with a person of unknown HIV status

  • Exposure to blood, semen or genital fluids via open wounds, cuts, sores, ulcers during high risk sexual activities

  • Sexual assault

  • Coming into contact with a contaminated needle

  • Eyes or broken skin getting exposed to blood or bodily fluids

Examples of high risk sexual activity include:

  • Having multiple sex partners

  • Unprotected casual sex

  • Sex with a commercial sex worker

  • Engaging in commercial sex trade

HIV PEP can be conveniently taken as easily as 1 pill a day, and the full course lasts for 4 weeks. Thereafter, a HIV test is performed to ensure that one’s HIV status remains negative.

It is important to remember that HIV PEP does not have any effect against any of the other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), therefore it is recommended to consider screening for other STIs as well. 

Get in touch with us.

If you are worried that you may have exposed yourself to HIV, please do not hesitate to speak to our doctor today. Our doctor will perform a detailed and confidential consultation in order to help you assess your level of risk, and assist you in making a decision on whether to begin HIV PEP.