Semen Analysis
Subfertility or infertility are suspected when a couple has been consistently trying for one year without any successful pregnancy. There may be more than one underlying cause, so it is likely that both parties will need to see a doctor to undergo tests. Male factors are responsible for approximately 30-50% of couples who have trouble conceiving, and these are almost always sperm related issues. Therefore, the first step in determining if a man is fertile is to perform a semen analysis test.
A semen analysis is an assessment of sperm quality. A list of parameters is analysed, such as the concentration (or sperm count), motility, volume, pH, etc. The sample is also inspected for signs of infection.
Semen analysis is also performed in other instances, such as after a vasectomy, to ensure that the procedure is successful.
How is the semen analysis performed?
You will be required to produce a sample via masturbation or self-stimulation, and collect it in a sterile container. This is usually done in a private room at the collection site. If you opt to produce the sample at home, it has to be sent to the lab and ideally needs to be examined within 1 hour.
To ensure an accurate result:
Saliva, lubricants and any other artificial substances should not be used as these may damage the sperm.
Abstain from ejaculation for 3 days, and no longer than 5 days prior to the appointment date.
Take care to collect all of the sample produced into the container and avoid any spillage.
It is important to note that sperm counts may fluctuate significantly from one specimen to the next. Therefore, several semen analysis tests may be performed over a period of time in order to reliably determine a man’s fertility.
What happens if the result shows a problem?
If the semen analysis result is abnormal, other tests may be ordered to determine the cause of male subfertility. These include hormone tests, scrotal ultrasound scan, prostate ultrasound scan and post-ejaculatory urine test.
Contact us.
If you or your partner have any concerns about fertility, feel free to arrange an appointment with our doctor. We are here to help.